Script Circle Scotland – Solace23

Solace23 will be returning to Scotland this autumn to host another ‘Script Circle’ workshop in Edinburgh, running between 30 September and 5 October 2024. This exciting workshop will offer four writers and four producers the opportunity to develop their editorial skills and nurture projects in an intense but supportive environment.  

For Writers (2 – 4 October) 

The Script Circle workshop will take place Wednesday 2 to Friday 4 October 2024. It will be structured around an in-depth feedback session for four projects brought by the writers. This will allow the writers to look at their projects from new perspectives whilst giving producers the space to look at scripts through a purely creative lens.  

For Producers (30 September – 5 October) 

In addition to taking part in the above Script Circle, successful producers will also take part in a two-day training programme on Monday 30 September and Tuesday 1 October 2024, followed by a one day wrap up session on Saturday 5 October. These days will focus on how to develop content by making informed decisions and providing constructive feedback to writers.   

Writer/producer teams can apply together or each as solo applicants. Writers should apply to Script Circle with a feature film project in active development although they do not have to have a producer attached to that project. 


About Script Circle 

Script Circle is an interdisciplinary script and skills development workshop hosted by Franz Rodenkirchen and Françoise von Roy (Solace23).

Over the course of three days, participants will discuss four projects in depth. Both writers and producers will be given the space to think about scripts creatively and give peer-to-peer feedback in a supportive space facilitated by Franz and Françoise.  

It allows both writers and producers to address specific questions they might have during development, whilst the circle of peers can be used as an early potential audience.

In addition to the in-depth discussion of each project, Françoise and Franz may address more general aspects of writing visual narratives; from genre, character and how to write for cinema without leaning on the truisms of screenwriting.  


Application information

Who Can Apply 

This opportunity is open to all writers and producers based in Scotland.  

Applicants must have significant screen credits. This may be a short or feature film which has screened at a notable international festival (BAFTA or Academy Awards qualifying) or significant broadcast credits. More experienced writers are encouraged to apply alongside emerging talent.  

There will be a period of preparation for the workshop, where all participants are expected to read and take notes on each project. Every participant will be expected to give feedback and participate in group discussions.  

How to Apply

To apply for the Script Circle workshop we require the following information: 

  • A letter of motivation detailing why you would like to attend with this project. 

  • Links to previous work 

  • A short project outline (max one page) – Writers only 

  • Project materials (script or treatment) – Writers only  

Alternatively, you can record a 4-minute video explaining your outline and motivation.  

Please email your submissions to [email protected] with the subject header: "Script Circle Scotland Application 2024". 

The deadline for applications is 9am on Monday 19 August 2024.  


When and Where 

The workshop will take place at the Creative Scotland office in Edinburgh. The address is Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Pl, Edinburgh EH1 3EG.  

The sessions will run 9.30am to 6pm on the dates indicated above.  


What Happens Next? 

We will aim to notify all applicants by Friday 6 September at the latest.  

Writers, please note that we will be sharing your scripts with the other participants of the workshop.  


About Solace23

Franz Rodenkirchen 

Franz Rodenkirchen is a Berlin-based independent script advisor, teacher and tutor in workshops and individual project development. He regularly works with CineLink /Sarajevo and Berlinale Talents, where he selects and mentors projects at their annual Script Station. He also teaches at dffb – Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin, at the University of Malta and several other film institutions. 

Recent credits include The Zone of Interest (W/D: Jonathan Glazer), Autobiography (W/D: Makbul Mubarak), Sweet Drams (W/D: Ena Sendijarevic), The Woodcutter Story (W/D: Mikko Myllylahti) and Compatment No. 6 (W/D Juho Kuosmanen).  

Françoise von Roy 

Françoise work internationally as script consultants on a wide range of projects, including genre, experimental, documentary, art film and serial narratives. Apart from consulting on individual productions, she lectures on development and screenwriting and mentors students at various institutions including the Dutch Film Academy, German Film and Television Academy (dffb), Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and many others.  

Recent credits include Handling The Undead (W/D: Thea Hvistendahl), Paradise Is Burning (W/D Mika Gustafson), The Quiet Migration (W/D: Malene Choi), Fremont (W/D Babak Jalali) and Compatment No. 6 (W/D Juho Kuosmanen).



We recognise that some participants may face barriers to accessing this opportunity and will be able to support costs such as childcare, significant travel, BSL interpreters and support workers.  

Please contact Screen Scotland if you have any other enquiries about the Script Circle Scotland or if you require any other general support or further information. You can do this by email, through our website or social media.   

Email: [email protected]

If you are a Deaf BSL user, you can access our services with the Contact Scotland-BSL programme. Go to Contact Scotland's website for more information.