PGF Project Post - Production Growth Fund/Post-Production Pilot Programme

Deadline extended until midnight on 31 October 2024 

Screen Scotland has created a new time-limited funding initiative under our pre-existing inward investment fund, the Production Growth Fund, entitled PGF Project Post.

What is PGF Project Post?

PGF Project Post is a new strand of the Production Growth Fund. It is open to applications from productions that are considering working with Scotland-based post-production facilities on post and VFX work.

PGF Project Post aims to attract work on large scale film and TV productions into Scotland that would otherwise be completed elsewhere. The objective is to create inclusive employment opportunities for post-production/VFX specialists and facilities in Scotland and support diversified skills development and progression.

As this is a pilot programme, the guidelines and application process will broadly follow the current Production Growth Fund protocols, with limited key variations included in the table below. Other amendments such as delivery schedule and legal fees will be discussed with applicants prior to submission.


Term to be Varied

Current PGF

Post-Production Targeted PGF

Minimum Scottish Spend* to Award Ratio



Minimum Scottish Spend



Minimum Award



Maximum Award



* Scottish Spend under PGF Post Project is defined as spend on visual effects and post-production within Scotland, employing Scotland-based crew only. Retrospective or costs essential to the production during principal photography cannot be included. E.g. Production insurance, production legal fees, production equipment, crew fees associated with the prep and shooting period. Only new costs incurred during the post-production period will be eligible.

To simplify the qualification and reporting criteria, Scottish Spend will now be defined as the amount (excluding VAT), a post-production facility based in Scotland can invoice against post-production services that it has carried out in relation to an individual project. i.e during the final reporting, proof of Scottish spend will be in the form of an invoice generated by the post productions facility (facilities) for the project that has submitted to the Project Post Fund alongside a cost report statement.

As per the previous guidance, applicants must still be able to demonstrate that the post production work was not originally intended to take place in Scotland and a Scottish Spend Budget based on services intended to be carried out by a Scotland based post production facility are still required during the application process.

PGF Project Post funding cannot be used in conjunction with any other Screen Scotland production funding under the Film Development & Production Fund, the Broadcast Content Fund or the wider Production Growth Fund.

Applications must be completed and submitted by midnight on 31 October 2024.

How to apply

The application should be from the production company responsible for the project, as they will be required to submit a Scottish spend cost report certified by the company director. 

Applicant projects must be in an advanced stage of development and financing, and aiming to commence post-production within 4 weeks of a decision being made.

Decisions will take up to 3 weeks from the date we receive a completed application form with all the relevant information required to make a full assessment.

Applications must be made on the Production Growth Application Form, which can be downloaded on the Production Growth Fund page.

You should have all the Essential Documents complete before submitting your application. Completed forms should be submitted along with all supporting materials to [email protected]

We encourage all potential applicants to speak to Screen Scotland before applying for further guidance and to discuss eligibility. Please email [email protected] to request a call back.