Short Film Funding

Some information on additional funding available for short films in Scotland.

In addition to Screen Scotland’s funding programmes, there are a range of other agencies, programmes and initiatives offering funding and investment for the screen sector. For short films, these include:

Short Circuit - Short Circuit is an ambitious new film talent initiative for Scotland, aiming to become a key hub for emerging fiction filmmaking talent in Scotland, supporting writers, directors and producers to develop creatively and professionally, and stimulating the creative and commercial success of Scotland’s film sector.

British Council – Short Support Scheme – The British Council Film's Short Support Scheme (which includes our Short Film Travel Grant Fund) exists to support UK-based filmmakers to show their work internationally.

Doc Society Funds - The BFI/Doc Society Fund supports creative and hybrid feature documentaries and short films from all over the UK. The fund has one call a year for short documentaries.

Shooting People Short Cuts – Shooting People is a subscription-based network supporting independent filmmakers. SHORT CUTS is their career development-focused film competition. Prizes include £1000 in film funding, industry mentoring, filmmaking equipment and packages.